Because of its collaboration with the dutch organization FELiRe (Reformed Literature Publishing Foundation), the I.R.P. works like a bridge for the dissemination of theological books of study and training. Visitors to our website are invited to visit the website and through it do the solicitude. For those who are pastors, elders and students of theology there is a special program of free help with book bags.
In the field of music, has released a CD with a selection of 42 Psalms with the melodies of the Geneva Psalter. Our visitors can download the CD via internet or ask for a copy.
En recuerdo de nuestro querido Pastor Ricardo Cerni, hemos publicado este vÃdeo de la celebración del 50 aniversario de la I.R.P y FELIRE Su amor por la iglesia y su dedicación a la obra de Dios durante más de 50 años han sido un ejemplo e inspiración para todos los que hemos tenido el privilegio de conocerlo y escucharlo predicar. Damos gracias a Dios por su vida y ministerio.